Home » Stone Products - Retaining Walls & Bricks Ballarat, Melbourne » Ledge Stone Victoria, Walls, Stack Stone Ballarat & Melbourne
Ledge Stone Victoria, Walls, Stack Stone Ballarat & Melbourne
Ledge Stone
When building a home or other structure, the materials used will play an important part of the overall aesthetics of the finished product. Ledge Stone has become a popular choice for home and business owners throughout the Ballarat and Melbourne areas due to its appearance and versatility.
Ledge stone I a very versatile material and is ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. Australians use ledge stone in commercial and residential walls, civil projects and for paving stones.
Rustic Stone is a leading provider of reproduction ledge stone in Ballarat, Melbourne and surrounds. When you visit www.RusticStone.com.au, you’ll find reproduction stone for houses, pillars, retaining and feature walls, and other areas.
Rustic Stone produce reproduction ledge stone that can be used for a number of things, among them; houses, pillars, retaining and feature walls.
If you have any queries don't hesitate to contact our sales person Michael on 03 5336 3255
Ledge stone is generally 2" to 8" high and measures around 4" wide. They also feature two flat sides which makes stacking them easier. Ledge stones are usually used to build fireplaces, walls, and borders. That said ledge stones need to be durable to withstand years of wear and tear. Unfortunately, a lot of these stones available in Australia do not last very long, with many people complaining that their ledges seem to fall apart after just a few years of use. There are a number of reasons why a natural ledge stone may crack or chip which also has a lot to do with how they are placed. At Rustic Stone we strongly advise people who are looking for durability to use our artificial ledge stones.
Why use our ledge stone?
When building a structure the overall durability and beauty of this structure relies a lot on the type of materials which are used. The aesthetics in particular are directly proportional to the type of ledge stones used. Because ledge stones lend a splash of beauty and organics to any structure they are now widely used across businesses and homes in the country. Ledge stone is Victoria is also extremely popular especially with home owners looking to give their latest homes a vintage touch. But our ledge stones take things one step further.
At Rustic Stones we sell an array of different types of ledge stones which have been artificially crafted specifically to be used in homes and offices. These stones have been crafted to be durable yet never lose their beauty even after years of being in use. In addition, our ledge stones are a lot cheaper than ones which are natural and yet not as durable. This means that they can be used for pillars, feature walls, houses, and retaining walls all without the thought of them cracking or breaking after a few years.
If you have been searching for a cost effective, beautiful and equally majestic replacement to the conventional ledge stone then look no further than Rustic Stone. Contact Michael by calling 03 5336 3255 to get the right stones for your structure.